Cite Field

In many areas, we are frequently invited to comment on different editions and translations of the same work. In such cases, we refer not only to the authors and dates of the publications, but also to their editors, translators, publishers, and their original titles and editions. But how to do this? If citetools is enabled, then the answer lies in a small variation of Pandoc’s vanilla syntax for citations.

Use [@Citekey]{.csl_field} where .csl_field is the field name prefixed by a dot, to specify the field to print.

Practical example

Here is a printout of different citation fields followed by a concrete example of how to use them in a document.

Printout of different fields from the reference
Raw Output
[@AristOp]{.author} Aristotle
[@AristOp]{.editor} Bekker
[@AristOp]{.title} Aristotelis opera
[@AristOp]{.issued} 18311
[@AristOp]{.publisher} Reimer
[@AristOp]{.publisher-place} Berlim
[@AristOp]{.edition} 1
[@AristOp]{.number-of-volumes} 4
type: book
id: AristOp
- family: Aristotle
- family: Bekker
  given: Immanuel
title: Aristotelis opera
  - 1831
number-of-volumes: '4'
publisher: Reimer
publisher-place: Berlim
edition: '1'

Document processing using Quarto and Pandoc is much faster using CSL-YAML/JSON bibliographies than using BibTeX or RIS because Pandoc also uses the Citation Style Language internally (of which CSL-YAML is a representation).

    "author": [
        "family": "Aristotle"
    "editor": [
        "family": "Bekker",
        "given": "Immanuel"
    "id": "AristOp",
    "issued": {
      "date-parts": [
    "number-of-volumes": "4",
    "publisher": "Reimer",
    "publisher-place": "Berlim",
    "title": "Aristotelis opera",
    "type": "book",
    "edition": "1"
  author = {Aristotle},
  editor = {Bekker, Immanuel},
  title = {Aristotelis opera},
  publisher = {Reimer},
  address = {Berlim},
  volumes = {4},
  edition = {1},
  year = {1831}
ID  - AristOp
AU  - Aristotle
ED  - Bekker, Immanuel
TI  - Aristotelis opera
PB  - Reimer
CY  - Berlim
ET  - 1
VL  - 4
Y1  - 1831
ER  -

With this knowledge, we could state the following in our text:

The works of [@AristOp]{.author} were first edited by [@AristOp]{.editor} under the title [@AristOp]{.title} in [@AristOp]{.issued}.

Which would render as:

The works of Aristotle were first edited by Bekker under the title Aristotelis opera in 1831.

Citation Style Language

Did you notice that we used [@AristOp]{.issued} instead of [@AristOp]{.date}? And [@AristOp]{.publisher-place} instead of [@AristOp]{.city}?

Internally, as we said, Pandoc uses the Citation Style Language to handle bibliographies. This is a standard schema for bibliographic data, which is used by some bibliography managers, such as Zotero, and JabRef. Most, however, are closer to the conventions of BibTeX (or RIS) which is why you may not see an exact correspondence between the CSL variables and BibTeX field names.

In CSL, there are the following variables:

  abstract accessed annote archive archive_collection archive_location archive-place author authority available-date call-number chair chapter-number citation-key citation-label citation-number collection-editor collection-number collection-title compiler composer container-author container-title container-title-short contributor curator dimensions director division DOI edition editor editor-translator editorial-director event event-date event-place event-title executive-producer first-reference-note-number genre guest host illustrator interviewer ISBN ISSN issue issued jurisdiction keyword language license locator medium narrator note notes number number-of-pages number-of-volumes organizer original-author original-date original-publisher original-publisher-place original-title page page-first part-number part-title performer PMCID PMID printing-number producer publisher publisher-place recipient references reviewed-author reviewed-genre reviewed-title scale script-writer section series-creator source status submitted supplement-number title title-short translator URL version volume volume-title year-suffix

Here is a quick reference, not exhaustive by any means, of where will the data end up in the conversion from BibTeX and RIS to CSL. This means that the CSL variables on the first column are the final destination and they receive the content of the second or third-column fields depending on the format it converts from. On the second tab, we map the reference types from BibTeX to the CSL types.

Where do BibTeX and RIS fields end up in CSL-YAML/CSL-JSON?
author authors AU
editor editors ED
issued date PY
title title T1
title-short shorttitle -
container-title booktitle (inproceedings incollection inbook) BT
container-title journal (article book proceedings masterthesis lexicon online booklet) JA
collection-title series -
original-title origtitle OR
publisher school, institution, organization, howpublished, publisher PB
publisher-place address PP
abstract abstract AB
url URL UR
keywords keywords KW
chapter-number chapter -
issue issue (article), number (article) IS
number number (phdthesis) IS
collection-number number (book) IS
volume volume VL
number-of-volumes volumes NV
page pages SP
edition edition ET
genre type -
call-number library ID
version version -

See also, the full list of CSL variables, BibTeX Fields and RIS Tags.

How do BibTeX types end up in CSL-YAML/CSL-JSON?
article-journal article
book book
pamphlet booklet
chapter inbook
chapter incollection
paper-conference inproceedings
book manual
thesis mastersthesis
thesis misc
thesis phdthesis
book proceedings
report techreport
manuscript unpublished

See also the full list of CSL and BibTeX types.

Primary Sources

Aristotle. 1831. Aristotelis Opera. Edited by Immanuel Bekker. 1st ed. 4 vols. Berlim: Reimer. [1]


  1. Note that [-@AristOp] would render as (1831).↩︎


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Vasconcelos, BCDA},
  title = {Cite {Field}},
  date = {2023},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Vasconcelos, BCDA. 2023. “Cite Field.” 2023.