Cite Tools

Advanced bibliography for Pandoc and Quarto


Bernardo Vasconcelos


March 26, 2023

Cite Tools is an extension of the Quarto Open-Source Scientific and Technical Publishing System, built upon Pandoc and compatible with any version above 2.17, that bundles together several Lua filters πŸŒ™ to introduce advanced bibliography features.

Why a bibliography extension?

Users of the jurassic BibTeX would probably be exceptionally pleased with the speed and reliability of Pandoc Citeproc. Apart from being (a lot) faster, Citeproc will produce the same output across all formats supported by Pandoc, which amount to over 60, including HTML, LaTeX, and Word.

Out-of-the-box, however, Citeproc does not provide common BibTeX functionalities, such as the ability to split the bibliography into multiple sections, or the ability to cite arbitrary fields of the references (e.g. citetitle, citeauthor, citefield). It also lacks the interesting backref option afforded by BibTeX and HyperRef, which allows for the creation of linked indexes of citations.

Luckily, Citeproc is extensible, and this extension aims to provide a solution to these limitations and, hopefully, allow Pandoc and Quarto users to completely replace BibTeX/BibLaTeX with Citeproc. It will allow the user to easily create multiple bibliographies (or bibliographies with multiple sections, such as primary and secondary sources), cite arbitrary fields of the references1, and create linked indexes of citations2. All of this with very little configuration needed.

Also, with the advent of Quarto, it has become easier for those not well-versed Lua or Pandoc to use extensions such as this one! So, why not?!

New to Quarto ?

Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system. Visit the getting started guide to download and install. Once installed, you can use it to create, build, and preview your documents.

I highly recommend visiting the Tutorial: Hello, Quarto. You’ll learn how to create a document, build it, and preview it. You will also be taken to the excellent extensions for VS Code and RStudio that will make your life easier.

  • On macOS (), use Homebrew to brew install quarto.
  • On Windows (), use Chocolatey to choco install quarto.
  • On Linux (), use your package manager to install quarto.

Find out more at Awesome Quarto, Quarto Extensions, Quarto on Github, RStudio Community, Stack Overflow, Twitter.

New to Pandoc ?

Pandoc is a universal document converter developed by John MacFarlane, professor of philosophy, that is at the core of Quarto. To learn more about it, see the Pandoc User’s Guide . You can install Pandoc as a standalone application, but it will also inevitably be included in any Quarto instalation.

Make sure to check Pandoc-Discuss in case you have unsolved questions. You can also ask questions on Pandoc at Stack Overflow.

Installation πŸ“¦

If the prospect of typing something on the command line seems daunting, or if you simply need a sample, you can download the citetools repository directly and open it in VSCode to see a working example.

Otherwise, create a new project and install it using:

quarto install extension bcdavasconcelos/citetools

Activate it by adding citetools to the _quarto.yml file in the filters section.

  - citetools

Quickstart πŸš€

Add the path to the bibliography files to the document YAML header or _quarto.yml πŸ“

bibliography_bib-name: path/to/bibfile.bib
bibliography_other-bib-name: path/to/otherbibfile.bib

Place the corresponding placeholders where they should be printed in the document body πŸ–¨οΈ

::: {#refs_bib-name}

::: {#refs_other-bib-name}

You’re ready to rock. 🀘

Usage πŸ“–

Cite references as you normally do in Pandoc and they will be linked πŸ”— and backlinked πŸ”— to the bibliography πŸ“š


Use [@Citekey]{.csl_field} to arbitrarily print specific fields instead of the usual Author-Date format. This is useful for printing the title of a book or the name of a journal in the text. 🎯


Append the field name with a dot to avoid creating a link to the bibliography in this particular citationπŸ“


This can also be done globally 🌐 by setting link-fields: false in the metadata3. This is useful if you want to print the title of a book or the name of a journal in the text, but don’t want to create a link to the bibliography.

link-fields: false

Documentation πŸ“š

This Quarto-powered website provides documentation for the following filters:

In the future, we plan to add documentation for the following filters:

Contributing 🀝

If you have suggestions for other filters, improvements to the existing ones, or bug reports, please open an issue at the citetools repository .

Acknowledgments πŸ™

  • Albert Krewinkel, for creating Pandoc filters.
  • John MacFarlane, for creating Pandoc.
  • The community of Quarto and Pandoc developers and users.


  1. In the official nomenclature, CSL has variables, BibTeX has fields, and RIS has tags. As a general rule, we have stuck to the term fields.β†©οΈŽ

  2. Linked glossaries can also easily be created by dressing it as bibiographyβ†©οΈŽ

  3. If link-citations is false then link-fields will also default to false.β†©οΈŽ


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Vasconcelos, BCDA},
  title = {Cite {Tools}},
  date = {2023},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Vasconcelos, BCDA. 2023. β€œCite Tools .” 2023.